NEW! Vermicomposting Educational Poster


Suppose you’re new to vermicomposting and are looking for a set of instructions to get started with our “Red Wiggler Composting Worms.” In that case, our Vermicomposting Educational Poster For Beginners is a great place to get started.



The Vermicompost poster takes away the guessing, especially for those who want to learn more about vermicomposting and how to do it. It can be a bit overwhelming when getting started, but no need to worry because this awesome poster gets down to the basics of composting.

Whether you’re brand new or someone with an idea but is still unsure, this quick reference is for you.

This poster includes:

  • Steps to vermicasting/vermicomposting
  • Recommended amount of food to feed worms
  • Benefits that come with vermicastings
  • Along with other helpful info

Who this Poster is for: 

  • Those starting out with vermicomposting
  • People who already started but want a reference
  • Someone who may want to share more information 
  • Kids who want to learn the basics